Thursday, May 7, 2009

Are We Ready for PAKIS-TALIBAN?

The Taliban is back. They have managed to take over a province in northern Pakistan, and the Pakistani government has made the mistake of trying to appease the Taliban by allowing them to impose Sharia law in that region.

No doubt, the Pakistani government hoped that if they gave in to the Taliban and threw them a bone, the radical religious group would be satisfied. But no. The Taliban is on the march to secure a much larger area. I'm sure it's obvious to a lot of people that the ultimate goal of this group is to take control of the entire country.

Currently, the Pakistani military is fighting the Taliban in the Swat Valley, with the nation's capital of Islamabad only about sixty miles away.

If Pakistan's nuclear arsenal falls into Taliban hands, it changes the whole balance of power in the region, and in the world. India would have a rogue state armed with nukes on its border.

My question is, where is the UN? Where is the organization that wants to impose a worldwide ban on private ownership of firearms, but doesn't seem to be worried about the potential for terrorists holding nuclear weapons?
Where is the UN, the organization that intends to tell parents how they can discipline their children, but ignores the abuse that muslim women have to endure under Sharia Law?

I'm not sure which organization is the bigger threat to western civilization--the Taliban, or the United Nations.

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