Saturday, May 30, 2009

Forget Guns. What About Mexico's "Assault Jet Skis?"

It appears that Mexican drug traffickers are using jet skis to smuggle drugs into the United States.

There is a simple solution to this: Instead of the Mexican government exaggerating the number of guns that are smuggled across the border from America to Mexico, and demanding that we ignore our Bill of Rights and ban so-called assault weapons, let us demand that the Mexican Government ban ownership of jet skis.

Of course, in the real world, that isn't going to happen. But why should law-abiding Americans allow one of our rights to be infringed upon because of some fabricated story from a foreign government? And even if it was possible for the Mexican government to enact jet ski legislation, the argument from south of the border would undoubtedly be that law-abiding Mexicans have a right to own a jet ski, and that if jet skis are banned, only criminals will have them.


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