Friday, May 15, 2009

Don't be Too Harsh on Pelosi

Poor Nancy Pelosi. Every time she says something about what she was told, what she knew, what she understood about what she was told, who lied to her about waterboarding and torture methods, it all just seems to get twisted by the evil CIA, the Republicans, and the media.

Some people are even beginning to question how long she can remain as the Speaker of the House. The audacity of those right-wingers who hope to bring her down!

I say, don't be too harsh on Speaker Pelosi. If she is forced to step down from her position as Speaker, we may get some replacement who is competent enough to do some real legislative damage.

I for one hope that she's around until 2010. By then, we may have a functioning Republican party and an electorate that is tired of the Democrats trial and error approach to some of those annoying things that keep them up at night, singing Kumbaya around the hot tub. You know, stuff like the on-again, off-again ideas of a catch-and-release program for terrorists (oops, can we still use that word?). By 2010, into our twentieth stimulus program, with the Dow Jones at 3,000 points, civil rights advocates in California clamoring for english to be taught in schools, and Chrysler and GM reduced to selling ride-on lawnmowers, we may just be able to install a Republican as Speaker of the House.

You go, Nancy Girl, but not just yet.

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