Thursday, July 16, 2009

Will Members of Congress Have the Same Healthcare as the Rest of Us?

(Photo. Representative John Fleming (R- 4th District, Louisiana) meets with health care professionals at a Louisiana hospital)

Imagine a hypothetical situation some time in the not-too-distant future where you are sitting in the waiting room of a government-run doctor's office, waiting several hours to see a doctor:

The door opens, and in walks Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) she's there for her regular procedure, a short operation that the doctor calls a cranial-rectal separation (it involves a winch, a tow rope, and a baseball catcher's mitt). Anyway, in this imaginary scenario, she sits down next to you and begins to complain about the healthcare system.

"But," you say, "don't all members of Congress have their own health care plan?"

"Not any more," the Speaker grumbles, "Some republican house rep from Louisiana introduced legislation that makes congress use the same universal health care as the rest of you."

And here is where we leave fantasy behind and return to reality. Because, a Louisiana congressman has actually introduced legislation that will do just that. It will make our elected officials subject to the same government health care that the rest of us peons will have to endure.

Representative John Fleming (R- 4th District, Louisiana) has introduced House Resolution 615 that will make politicians give up their own expensive health care plans (The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program) and use the same government-run health care that they are trying to impose on the rest of us. Congressman Fleming was recently interviewed on Fox News, and stated that 48 Republicans have signed onto his resolution, while not one single Democrat has. Not One. But that's OK, you can go to the congressman's website and view the list of politicians who have agreed to abide by the same law as the rest of us. Is YOUR congressman there? Click on this link to find out. Incidentally, I'd like to thank one of Colorado's Congressmen, Rep. Doug Lamborn (R - 5th District) for signing on.

If you don't see your congress critter's name on the list, and you feel that what's good enough for the rest of us is good enough for our elected representatives, you can download a letter of support to send to your elected House Representative in Washington D.C.

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