Thursday, July 16, 2009

It looks Like Judge Sotomayor will be Confirmed

It's looking like Judge Sonia Sotomayor will make it out of the Senate hearings on her confirmation to the Supreme Court pretty much unscathed. I watched some of the hearings this week, and she does seem to have a pretty good idea of what judges should, and should not do.

I do wish she had been more forthright when questioned by republican senators about her view of the Second Amendment, particularly since it's likely that another gun rights case--such as last year's landmark Heller v. D.C. decision--will make its way to the Supreme Court some time during her career (which is a lifetime appointment.)

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said that her judicial record is, "generally in the mainstream", "not an activist", and went on to say that he thought Judge Sotomayor would keep an open mind on gun rights. I think Senator Graham is a smart and capable man, and I hope he's right. The Second Amendment, which states that "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." is, to most people, self-explanatory. All I ask is that any judge who has to make a ruling based upon those words from the Bill of Rights takes them at face value. I hope that Judge Sotomayor will do that.

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