Monday, December 20, 2010

Lame Duck Congress

This week in Washington DC will mark the end of the Lame Duck session currently underway in the US Congress. This is the time between the conclusion of the mid-term elections for Senators and House members and the end of the current Congress. When the new congress convenes early in the new year, it will be comprised of those current members who have held on to their elected seats and also new members who won in last month's elections.

Right now, those members who did not win their re-elections are still working to pass laws in the last few frantic days of this session. They are called "Lame Ducks." The implication is that they are not in a position to achieve much. Lame ducks have the dubious honor of being able to pass legislation without being in office when it takes effect. It's like the high school kid who knocks up his school Principle's daughter and then runs off to join the French Foreign Legion.

Lame Duck is a stupid term. It implies a lack of ability to do anything. The dictionary defines "Lame" as weak, crippled or physically disabled, inadequate ... "Duck" is defined as to avoid or evade, and in the British game of Cricket it is a failure of the batsman to score. However, in the congress, these politicians are not lame ducks, they are still very dangerous and capable of inflicting massive damage--not least of which is their ability to spend this country into bankruptcy.

The term "politician" is derived from "poly" meaning many and "tic" meaning a blood sucking parasite. I had to look up "ian" in the dictionary and ... well, here's the actual quote from "Suffix from the Latin - anus."

So there it is. In the last few days of Pelosi's First Reich, there is still time for them to leave a legacy of dangerous legislation that The Leader (Oops, sorry. I'm confusing him with the delusional, arrogant despot in North Korea) could sign into law.

Once again, Americans will be hamstrung by the legislation created by those whom they elected.
And they will become the real lame ducks.

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