Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Farnam Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting

If I had to choose only one book as a reference for self defense using a rifle or shotgun it would be this second edition of the Farnam Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting[ISBN 978-0-9659422-7-0]. While principles remain the same, over time tactics and weapons can change to meet new demands. John Farnam is on the cutting edge of those changes. John has a practical way through his classes and by interacting with other professionals in this field to determine not only what tactics and equipment work, but also the circumstances in which they should be employed.
The book covers among other things: Operating systems, sighting systems, ammunition selection (and why), stoppage reduction (It is my opinion that if you’ve never had a stoppage in your weapon you aren’t training realistically enough for a self-defense encounter), fighting positions, weapon retention and a whole lot more. While the book is certainly a great addendum to formal police and military training, it shines as a textbook for the ordinary person who wants to protect themselves from violent career criminals and who recognizes that while having to defend oneself with a firearm is a remote possibility, when it does happen it is vital to have not only the best equipment one can afford, but also the best understanding of how to effectively and decisively use that equipment. This book (as much as any book can substitute for formal training on the range with a professional instructor) will show the reader how. The book is available from DTI Publications and also at

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