Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day in Boulder

Boulder, Colorado has something of a reputation as a town run by goofy people. Certainly if you look at the decisions of the city council, (passing resolutions against the Iraq war, declaring that pet owners are now animal guardians) not to mention the antics of Ward Churchill, it may not be a surprise to know that those of us who live outside Boulder city limits refer to the town as "seventeen square miles surrounded by Reality".

But one thing that we can all be proud of Boulder for is its hosting every Memorial Day for the past 31 years of the Bolder Boulder 10K run. This is one of the most popular and well-attended 10k street races in the country. Professional runners from countries like Ethiopia compete here. Tens of thousands of amateur runners and walkers run the ten kilometers (about 6.2 miles) every Memorial Day for fun.

And the race is linked directly to remembrance of our veterans with a flyover by military aircraft and participation in the run by many of our local servicemen and women.

Every year, people show up along the route to show their support for the runners. You will find guys with a guitar and an amp standing at the side of the road, playing to the crowd. There are at least two groups of belly dancers, Blues Brothers impersonators, and some pretty good local bands.

This year, my wife and I hung out on Pearl Street with our friends from King For a Day (KFAD), a local rock band. Above Right photo: left to right, Vicar (lead guitar), Simon (acoustic guitar and vocals), Goose (bass guitar)and Johnny (drums).

But the Bolder Boulder isn't just about running and music, it's definitely a chance for some self-expression:

Below, KFAD's Vic(left) and Goose rockin' out with the runners.

But you know the really great thing about Memorial Day in Bolder?

Nobody gets left out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great blog post! Glad I stopped by for a visit.
