Friday, August 14, 2009

Socialists get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

In a recent Fox News poll, 52% say that "...the noisy protesters at town hall meeting are expressing authentic outrage. Some 52% think it is real outrage by concerned citizens--significantly more than the 29% who think the protestors are fake mobs planned by lobbyists and other opposition groups."

I've been saying for a couple of decades that the way to beat socialism is to use the same tactics against socialists that they use against us. Conventional wisdom says that conservatives don't protest in public. Generally speaking when you see a noisy rally on TV it's a group of people with left-leaning political views.

But now we are seeing huge numbers of middle-aged and senior people protesting publicly, and noisily by going to these town hall meetings to protest socialist healthcare. We saw a similar thing on Income Tax Day (April 15) when thousands of people, old, young, Republican and Democrat, organized the Tea Party rallies to protest big government.

Conservatives are behaving like socialists. They are protesting noisily, they are shouting down elected officials when they feel those officials are lying to them. In short, they are applying the tactics of the Left against the Left.

Is it any wonder that some socialists accuse these people of being part of fake mobs? After all, fake mobs, rent-a-mob, has been a tool of socialism for decades. So when socialists see the same tactics used against them, they automatically assume that those people are faking their anger and frustration.

The truth is that the genie is out of the bottle. Once people understand that the things they have worked for all their lives are about to be taken from them, they get angry.

Fake? I don't think so. More like the tip of the iceberg.

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